ccie lab topology-learnkey cisco ccnp

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Monday, November 24, 2008

Another Great cisco ccie Article

Current cisco ccie News

Lab 2

Thu, 06 Jul 2006 00:04:05 +0000
How to configure ATA for voice VLAN?
Set speed and duplex for all ports
Do we need to configure spanning tree port fast or not for ip phone ports on NM-16ESW? Yes, configure spanning tree for NM-16
To ...]

Tartalék 5db E1 csatorna kimenő hívásokra ISDN PRI-n

Sun, 21 Sep 2008 10:43:02 +0000
Az egyik Voice gatewayen a tárgyban említett feature-t kell megoldanom, tehát ne forduljon elő az, hogy annyi bejövő hívás van a T-Com ISDN PRI linken, hogy kihívni már nem lehet. Valahogy tehát el kell érni azt, hogy az E1 30 csatornájából 5db csak kimenő hívásra legyen alkalmas.
Amennyiben a hívás Voip irányba menne tovább, lehetne szabályozni ...]

BGP, Frame-Relay, Confederations, And Loops — OH MY!!!

Fri, 07 Nov 2008 05:13:30 +0000
I have to admit, I’m pretty frustrated right now. It’s 11:30 at night…here I sit. I’ve spent the last 2 nights working on IPexpert Volume 1 Lab 11: BGP. I knew it was coming, dreaded it, feared it, and decided to just jump in, the water was warm!
I was in for ...]

Always use Prime line

Wed, 12 Jul 2006 01:47:09 +0000
Always use Prime line
False: For an incoming call on any line, when you go off hook the call will be answered. Is the default.
True: Will always use the first line when you go off hook. Inorder to answer an incoming call on any other line, you need to hit the ringing line button.
Always use Prime ...]

Writing all this on cisco ccie can be considered an obligation to us. This is because we felt obligated on imparting all this knowledge we knew about cisco ccie.

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